Exploring the Power of Crystals and Chakras

Posts tagged “pineal gland

Ajna the Third Eye Chakra

Ajna or Third Eye Chakra located in the centre of the head slightly above the eye level relates with our Mind’s Eye of All Knowing.  My company logo uses the Eye of Horus that represents a similar belief of “All Knowingness”.

This particular Chakra represents light, colour, seeing, intuition, vision and clairvoyance.  The Ajna Chakra is linked with the Pineal Gland that is sometimes called the “Seat of the Soul” because it acts as a light meter for the body.  Similar to the aperture of a camera, the Pineal Gland translates the amount of sunlight that our body is receiving to the amount of hormones governing our nervous system.  In winter, our body’s metabolism slows down to conserve energy, and in the summer it speeds up.

The Pineal Gland or Third Eye Chakra keeps our body in balance and in homeostasis with our environment by balancing our input and output.  If you are fortunate enough to own a DSLR camera, or, like me, used a manual SLR camera, then you will have an understanding that light carries information.  Allowing the light to enter our own body or the body of the camera, will relay a vibrant and colourful frequency onto our Retina and into our pineal gland, or, light information onto film respectively.

The information we “see” with our eyes or Retina, travels from our Optic Nerve through the Optic Chasm and is partially processed by our Pineal Glands.  A camera processes the information in a similar way by exposing the light information onto film as “recorded information”, only to be processed later within a photo lab.  Technically, what we “see” is the colour that is “not absorbed” by the object, but reflected back to us.

As a side note: The common use of the word “Dark” fascinates me, I feel this word should be removed from the dictionary for there is no such thing as Dark.  Dark does not exist, only the “Lack of Light”.

Light is typically defined into the colours of the visible light spectrum or rainbow, and consist of the same colours of each of our chakras—Amazing!  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.

The element ‘light’ is related with the Third Eye Chakra.  Light travels the fastest of any element of the lower chakras, at the speed of almost 300,000 km per second.  The Ajna Chakra allows us to see clearly the big picture – hormones are released and our body can now react accordingly to what we see (think of it as our ability to “fight or flight” from a situation).  A balanced Third Eye Chakra allows us to use and trust our intuition so that a sense of knowing (Claircognizance) surrounds us and our actions.

Lapis Lazuli—The Third Eye Chakra Stone

Lapis is by far one of the most powerful Third Eye Chakra Stones to have in your collection.  Where should I begin with describing this beautiful powerhouse of a stone?  Wars have been waged, won and lost over this stone.  This stone has been traded for thousands of years by Egyptians and people from the Middle East and is especially known as the stone of royalty.  It was used for eye shadow, paintings and adorned many sarcophagus’, including the famed King Tut’s face mask.

Lapis Lazuli helps one attain wisdom by aiding in deciphering the coded messages from Spirit or God.  Lapis also strengthens our skeletal systems, activating our thyroid gland, bringing our body in alignment for our ascension with our higher self or spirit guides. Lapis has been used to release tension within the body, reduce anxiety and increases strength, vitality, and virility.  This stone can help us attain great wisdom and clarity, shedding light on our illumination and proximity with the divine.


Lapis Lazuli Pendant $50.00

Learn More at: http://www.appealingenvironments.com/index.html

Live Harmoniously


Quartz – More than just a time keeper


Quartz activates our Crown and Soul Star Chakras.  This stone vibrates at a remarkably stable and high frequency making them ideal for use in time measurement and elevating our spiritual consciousness to new levels allowing us to cross time, space and dimensions.

Quartz Crystal Pendant silver bail $30.00

At 32,768 Hz, quartz has been used in our modern age to measure time by using the piezoelectric effect of pinging the crystal tuning fork within all digital devices like watches and cell phones.  This constant frequency also enhances the pineal and pituitary glands bringing homeostasis to our entire endocrine system and wellbeing to our body.  When our bodies are in balance we able to elevate to new levels on all planes of existence.

Quartz is known as a remarkable healing stone; brain function, thoughts, meditation, and communication all benefit the carrier.  Quartz works well with most other crystals by enhancing their powers, double terminated quartz are said to be the most powerful in sending, receiving, storing, activating and amplifying energies, but, all quartz crystals are fully capable of this power.

Learn more at my website at: http://appealingenvironments.com/index.html

Live Harmoniously.


Ajna Chakra and its Crystals

Kundalini continues to weave her way up the Caduceus staff, she has now come to the place of intuition and seeing.  Ajna or Third Eye Chakra located in the centre of the head slightly above the eye level relates with our Minds Eye of All Knowing.

This Chakra represents light, colour, seeing, intuition, vision and clairvoyance.  The Ajna Chakra is linked with the Pineal Gland that is sometimes called the “Seat of the Soul” because it acts as a light meter for the body.  Similar to the aperture of a camera, the Pineal Gland translates the amount of sunlight that our body is receiving to the amount of hormones governing our nervous system.  In winter, our body’s metabolism slows down to conserve energy, and in the summer speeds up.  The Pineal Gland or Third Eye Chakra keeps our body in balance and homeostasis with our environment and surroundings.

The element light is related with the Third Eye Chakra.  Light travels the fastest of any element of the lower chakras, at the speed of almost 300,ooo km per second.  Ajna Chakra allows us to see clearly the big picture, hormones are released and our body can now react accordingly to the what we see.  A balanced Third Eye Chakra allows us to use and trust our intuition so that a sense of knowing (Clair Cognizance) surrounds us and our actions.

I also believe that particular crystals and minerals can help with our physical and intuitive vision of the Third Eye Chakra.  The stones that I would suggest are: Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite.  Lapis Lazuli is my “go to” stone because of its beautiful deep indigo (blue) colour.  I am also fascinated with the long history of this stone that has been fought over for thousands of years and has been worshiped by many civilizations.

You can learn much more in my workshops that I conduct regularly at different yoga studios, or from my home.


Live Harmoniously.



Ajna Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is closely linked to the Pineal Gland, known as the light sensor of the body. At this time of the year we suffer from the reduced levels of sunlight reaching our bodies, the pineal gland regulates the hormonal levels in our body to maintain homeostasis.

The extra attention you pay to your Third Eye Chakra at this time of the year can benefit you in many ways, spiritually, emotionally and physically too. Exercises, meditation and yoga can bring great relief from depression or just feeling the “blues”.

The Pineal Gland is called the “Seat of the Soul” for a reason. Opening of this chakra can raise our awareness to universe and our place within it. This small gland is one of the most important in the endocrine system, the Pineal is like the command centre of all endocrine glands.

Live Harmoniously.
