Exploring the Power of Crystals and Chakras

Posts tagged “communication

Turquoise – It’s all about Communication


Turquoise activates our throat chakra giving us the ability to utilize our powerful listening and speaking skills.  Turquoise brings loyalty to the beholder; enhancing lasting friendships by balancing our emotions and bring peace of mind.

Turquoise Pendant $95.00

Turquoise is a powerful communication stone, boosting our ability to articulate the words needed to be spoken.  When we speak freely with the use of Turquoise, brings tone and strength to our whole body including an increase to our creative expression.

Turquoise can aid in tissue regeneration, circulation and the entire circulatory and respiratory systems.  Turquoise also eases our ability to meditate by calming our nervous system, bringing an overall cool and calmness to the entire body.

Learn more at: http://www.appealingenvironments.com/

Live Harmoniously


Blue Lace Agate – The Goddess Stone

Blue Lace Agate activates the Throat Chakra, this chakra is known as the communication centre or ”Sound Centre”, sending and receiving vibrations concerned with extending our connectedness with those around us and with the universe.

Blue Lace Stones to become Pendants

Blue Lace Agate aids us in finding the right words to communicate clearly and concisely ones inner knowing, and listen to the words spoken so that a complete circle of information is obtained and given.

Blue Lace Agate will benefit us on the physical, mental and spiritual levels by; enhancing our intuition, promotes our peace of mind, soothes our anger, eases our tensions, and helps one connect with their Goddess energy.

Learn more at: http://appealingenvironments.com/index.html

Live Harmoniously


Sodalite – Creating possibilities from your minds eye

Sodalite – The Third Eye Chakra Stone

When our physical body is aligned with our mental, emotional and spiritual aspects, we feel harmony within our entire “being”.  Sodalite is the stone that will aid us in our progress towards that inner harmony.

Sodalite Pendant silver bail $30.00

Our creativity can sometime begin with a vision or ourselves in the past, present or future.  With the activation of our Third Eye Chakra and the use of Sodalite, our creative expression will burst forward through our minds eye.  Clarity, truth and enhanced communication skills will also benefit from the use of Sodalite.

The health benefits are numerous for Sodalite like: balancing the endocrine system, strengthening our metabolism and lymphatic systems.  Sodalite can also balance our masculine and feminine energies, dispel fears and creates a calm and clear mind.

Learn more at my website at: http://appealingenvironments.com/index.html

Live Harmoniously


Galena, tune your radios.


Not only is this stone a Root Chakra stone, it is also known for its capability in communication.


This stone is mined extensively for its Lead content, luckily the lead is tied up within the sulphides of the stone, so that lead poisoning will not occur from simple handling this stone.  However this stone would be toxic if used as a crystal elixir using the direct method (the indirect method should always be used when making an elixir of a crystal you are not familiar with).  The lead content is useful for us to feel connected with the earth and also to act as a transducer of Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF). Use of Galena near your computer or electronic equipment can aid in reducing headaches and fatigue caused by these devices.


I have offered Galena to those individuals that are receiving radiation treatments, as it is known to reduce the harmful effects of too much radiation by absorbing the excess the body does not need.

I have always been attracted to the cubic shape and silver colour of this mineral, maybe because it was used in crystal radio kits from decades ago and still available today.  Galena is used by mystics to receive the thoughts of others from their past, present and or future.  They were thought to utilize unseen waves from Uranus which aided in their metaphysical properties of the stone of communication.

Live Harmoniously

Learn more at http://www.appealingenvironments.com/


Visuddha Chakra and its Crystals

Kundalini has now crossed the bridge, through the gateway to the spirit.  Visuddha, the Throat Chakra is where we begin to leave the physical attachments we have, behind us.  This wonderful serpent of creation is on her way to meet her partner Shiva, Kundalini is also known as Shakti the Goddess of creation, whereas Shiva is known as the god of destruction, together they dance the eternal dance of life while keeping the universe in balance.

This Chakra represents our communication and creativity centres, sound, vibration and telepathy are also linked to the throat chakra.  Physically, Visuddha is related to our neck, shoulders, arms and hands.  When we feel that our voice is not being heard, do we not say “our hands are tied”?  While at work, and we are not being honoured for our creativity, do we not feel the tension and stiffness in our shoulders?  Two glands are connected to this chakra, the Thyroid and Parathyroid.  The Thyroid promotes body/brain growth and cell repair while the Parathyroid assists with calcium and phosphate metabolism.

The element sound is related with the throat chakra.  Sound travels at 1159 km per hour and is received through the eardrum.  Both the ear and the throat are linked and acting as one entity, our speaking skills are only as good as our listening and vice versa.  Our actual audible capabilities range somewhere between 40Hz – 18kHz and comes with limitations from hearing loss or our ego sometimes gets in the way and may have already passed judgement before we have even heard the words spoken.

I also believe that particular crystals and minerals can help with our speaking and listening skills and bring balance to our throat chakra.  The stones that I would suggest are: Kyanite, Blue Lace Agate and Turquoise.  Blue Lace Agate is my “go to” stone when I can’t afford the other two and I want to balance my throat chakra or preparing to give a speech to a large audience.

You can learn much more in my workshops that I conduct regularly at different yoga studios, or from my home.


Live Harmoniously.
